Saturday, February 25, 2012

Vocabulary notebook

Execise 1:
1.   My father drives really badly.
2.   My best friend can be very mean.
3.   My boss is an extremely rude person.
4.   I was pretty happy in school.
Execise 2:
1.   I have pretty quite voice.
2.   My mother is extremely unclaimed.
3.   I’m usually late for appointments.
4.   My brother eats very slowly.
5.   I think English is easy.
6.   My sister and I have different tastes.
Execise 3:
1.   He’s patient.           Impatient
2.   she’s honest.          Dishonest
3.   He’s friendly.          Unfriendly
4.   He’s competent.     incompetent
5.   They’re organized.  Disorganized
6.   He looks healthy.    Unhealthy
7.   She’s reliable.         Unreliable
8.   She’s considerate. Inconsiderate

Vocabulary notebook     S.EL210    20page
These verbs have three different forms.
be   was/were  been          drive  drove  driven       break   broke    broken
do     did          done          write   wrote  written        choose  chose   chosen
go    went         gone         eat      ate       eaten         speak    spoke  spoken
see   saw        seen           give   gave      given         wake     woke    woken
drink  drank     drunk         fall      fell         fallen        get         got        gotten
sing    sang      sung         take     took      taken      forget   forgot    forgotten           

for these verbs, the simple past forms is the same as the past participle.
Find     found    found         meet    met    met               win      won        won
Have    had       had          read  readed  readed       bring   brought  brought
Hear    heard    heard       say      said    said             buy    bought     bought
Keep    kept      kept         sell      sold     sold            catch   cought    cought  
Leave   left        left           sit        sat       sat              teach  taught    taught  
Make    made   made        tell       told      told             think  thought  thought 

For these verbs, the base form                  All forms of these verbs are the same      
is the same as the past participle.
Become    became  become                                  cut               cut             cut 
Come       came       come                                      hurt             hurt             hurt
Run          ran           run                                          put              put              put

1.    I’ have been to lots of places.
2.    I she has done.
3.    You have gone in your school.
4.    He has seen a lot of interesting pictures already.
5.    I’ve drunk four cups of coffee today.
6.    They have already seen this film.
7.    He has never driven a car before.
8.    The first time I have taken a laptop(notebook).
9.    She has never spoken in English
10. The first time he has written a poem
11. Have you eaten Korean food
12. Sue has never woken up at 7 o’clock
13. He told me his name, but I’ve forgotten it.
14. I lost my keys but I’ve found my keys this evening.
15. Have you heard from Brain recently?
16. The first time Japan has made a lot of electric things
17. I’ve met the world’s famous an actress J.Lopez
18. She has already read the story
19. He has sold own famous picture “winter”
20. I haven’t told him yet
21. He has never thought this lesson. Because he doesn’t understand it.
22. Somebody has broken that window.
23. We have won football because we tried
24. My sister has bought a flat. This flat is very expensive and modern.  

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