Monday, April 23, 2012

My favorite country.

The capital of Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar was formed initially as a nomadic sometimes hundreds of kilometers rate successors. By 1778 she was in the floodplain Selbi in the current location of the city center of Ulaanbaatar, overgrown temple services, and economic structures stationary traders and laity around her. Wandering over long distances was difficult. Short migrations mobile rates priests - Khutukhta helped expand the boundaries of the  city, the emergence of new areas, shrines and monasteries. In the 1809 regular migrations led to the establishment of the monastery Gandanteg-chinlin, and in 1855 as a result of recent migrations rate halhasskogo khutukhta was finally settled in the floodplain Selbi.In 1919 in the capital, home to about 100 thousand 30 thousand Mongols (20 th and 10 th lamas of the laity), about 70 thousand Chinese, three thousand Russian.

Modern Ulan Bator - a large city with a developed industry and infrastructure. In the capital, home to one quarter of the population. In the city - many theaters, museums, libraries, galleries, universities, academic institutes and colleges. Similar processes of education around the town-nomadic monasteries took place in other parts of the country.

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