Sunday, April 15, 2012


Sandra:  You  look  (look) great,  Ashley. How do you stay in shape?
Ashley: Well,  I didn’t eat   (not eat) any junk food these days. And I
Usually   exercise  (exercise) three or four times a week.
Sandra : That's great. What kind of exercise  do  you  usually do
 (do)? I mean, did you take  (take)
an aerobics class?
Ashley: No, but I just started a Latin dance class at Dance World.
I really love (love) it. Actually I’m walking           (walk)
there now.  would you  want  (want) to come?
Sandra:  Uh, thanks, but I'm kind of busy right now.
Ashley: Really? Where  are  you going  (go)?
Sandra:  I’m going (go) to The Good Life.
It's my favorite place to eat.
Ashley:  Oh, is that a health-food restaurant?
Sandra:  Actually, no,... it's an ice-cream store.
2. Doctor: You're not in very good shape, Ken. Are you eating right?
Ken:  Well, I want  (want) to give up red meat, and
I’m trying  (try) to eat a balanced diet, but it's hard.
Doctor:  did  you (eat) a lot of vegetables
these days?
Ken:  Oh, yes. I ate  (eat) vegetables every day.
I love (love) French fries.
Doctor:  Oh. Did  you (get) enough exercise
these days?
Ken:  To be honest, not really. I'm really busy.
I’m taking  (take) a class three days a week.
I’m learning  (learn) to bake cakes.
Doctor:  But what about exercise? Did  you         (do) do
any exercise these days?
Ken: Well, I walk (walk) to the video store every
other day. And I play (play) pool twice a week.
2. Susan’s lifestyle
1. what is susan doing now to stay healthy?
  a. she’s drinking water
  b. she’s doing exercise
  c. she’s trying to case weight?
2. what else does she do to say healthy?
  a. she do karate to stay healthy.
  b. she eat fruit to stay healthy.
  c. she play tennis to stay healthy.
3 about you
1. F  I’m drinking a lot of milk these days.
I’m not drinking a lot of milk these days. I’m drinking  a lot of soda.
2. F my best friend eats junk food every other day.
My best friend eat vegetables every other day.
3. I   I not taking any classes right now.
I’m not taking any classes right now.
4. F I sleep for five hours a night.
I sleep for hours a night.
5. My friends have a lot of stress in their lives
My friends have  a lot of fun in their lives.
6. F My family gets some exercise at all.
My family gets some exercise at all.
Lesson C
Joan What's the matter, Gary? Your nose and eyes are red.
Gary Oh, it's my allergies. I always feel this way in the spring.
Joan Oh, no! Do you snece. a lot?
Gary Oh, yes. I sneeze all the time. And I get headaches.
Joan  Headaches too? Do you take anything?
Gary Not really. Actually, I don't like to take medicine.
Joan you’re kidding! How come?
Gary Well, if I take medicine, I can't study.
Joan Are you serious? You  can’t study.
Gary Well, you see, when I take medicine, I always fall asleep.
Joan Really? But now can you study when you feel sick
Gary It's hard, but I need to. I have a big test next week.
Joan that’s temble! So what are you studying?
Gary I'm studying to be a doctor.

1. My wife talks in her sleep, a. My wife does too.
b. Wow! What does she say?
1.     I love getting up early on weekends.
1.            a. I always get up early.
2.            b. Early? I like to sleep late.
2.     I take two or three naps every day.
1.            A. Oh! Are you sleeping enough at night?
2.            B. I know. And you snore, too.
3.     I eat a lot of chocolate when I can't sleep.
1.            A. Me too. I love to eat chocolate at night.
2.            B. You're kidding! I can't sleep when I eat chocolate.
4.     My grandfather goes running six days a week.
1.            A. No way! How old is he?
2.            B. I see. He's very healthy, right?
5.     I often dream about food.
1.            A. I do too. I always dream about ice cream.
2.            B. Food? Are you hungry when you go to bed?
6.    I have three part-time jobs.
1.            A. It's important to work hard.
2.            B. Really? Aren't you tired a lot?
7.     If I can't sleep, I always listen to rock or hip-hop.
1.            A. Me too. I also listen to pop music.
2.            B. Gosh! Why not classical or jazz?
1. A: My friends Chuck and Tina exercise when they can't sleep.
 B: No way! What kind of exercise do they do?
2. A: My best friend never remembers her dreams.
    B: you’re kidding does she never remember one of the dream?
3. A: I sometimes sleep at the office.
   B: No way! How do you do your work?
4. A: Sometimes I can't sleep because my dog snores.
    B: Really? Why does your  dog sleep in another room?
5. A: My brother has the same nightmare once a week.
6. A: My father sleepwalks every night.
   B: wow! Where does he goes?
7. A: I never use an alarm clock.
   B: never? Then how do you get up.
8. A: My brother goes running right after he eats dinner.
    B: wow! So, do you run?
4. About you  
1. Are you feeling sleepy right now? No, I’m not.
2. How often do you take naps on weekdays?
3. Do you ever sleep in class or at work? No, I’m not
4. Are you sleeping well these days? Yes I’m of course I’m sleeping well.
5. What do you do when you wake up at night? When I wake up at night, I play pc games
6. Do you dream in color? No, I’m not

Ways to relax.
Lesson D:
1. where does yoga come from? Yoga comes from india.
2. is yoga good for stress? Yes, it is.
3. can you practice  yoga alone? No, I can’t
4. Do children do yoga , too? Yes they do.
1. What kind of diet do yoga teachers recommend? A vegetarian diet
2. Why do Americans do yoga? Give three reasons. It they fed depressed, have headaches, have a stress.
            3. What percentage of people in the survey practice poses and breathing? No, they take classes at a local yogastidio
            4. Do most Americans in the survey do yoga at home?
            5. According to the article, how long do most people do yoga?
            6. Would you like to try yoga? Why or why not? Yes, I would because it makes me healthy, strong.

Healthy lifestyles.
-         Food and diet.
If you work to be healthy and good. Shape don’t eat the jucky foods.
  When you fool awful at midnight in the evening don’t eat meat eat vegetarian food.
And at least if you want to be beauty do exercise, sleep well and eat good  food

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